Cold Comfort

Do you remember when I told you
Of what heaven would be like for me?
There'll be a storm, it would rain heavy and hard
I'll be walking, forcing my way to Manila bay.
Do you remember?

The water will be calling me
Like a mother calling her child
And I'll respond.
I'll be needy of her embrace.
I'll be walking, nearer to the turbulent water
Walloping and battering the concrete embankment
With its angry, white, and chaotic calling...
I'll respond with a step closer.

People will be noticing, they'll charge to help me
Sure I'll struggle, sure I'll do.
But minutes of pain will be sure worth it.

Do you remember when I told you
How I'll be happy to depart surrounded by water?
How I imagine myself to be scattered
Or to be found dead and buried under the earth instead?
I'll be consumed by it, that'll be heaven.
Do you remember?

Universe will be glad, to have a piece of me.
And upon the end of this world, I'll be scattered more,
Up to the stars, and span of light years
My atoms, sure used to be part of my heart and lips
Will find the comfort of this heaven.
Do you remember?

The kiss? The love?

The rain is pouring hard.
The wind is lifting me...

1 comment:

mots said...

galing :))))

gusto ko you "i'll be walking, forcing my way to manila bay'

at yung tanong na "do you remember?"