Meditation I

I am 300 feet above the ground.
The exhilarating and yet familiar feeling that you are above everything else that man created.
The clouds chug slowly, dragged by the wind that is working its way
to that beautiful place where no clouds have to move anymore.
That place. It must be beautiful, mustn't it?

A step closer to the edge and I'll be off balance,
tumbling over this ambitious edifice that attempted to scrape the sky.
Hah! Only if they knew. No one and nothing can’t.
The sky is where height ends...of dreams, of tears, of love.
A step closer and it'll all be gone, plus several seconds of freedom to a place that never existed.
A void paradise where everything else works but my will to live.
I'll succumb, be overcome by so much force that I'll give up and die.
Death. That word.
It must be there.

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